Friday, October 21, 2011


Rylee had to have some dental
work done the other day. 
He has to have 4 teeth pulled
to make room for some of 
his other adult teeth.
Monday he ended up getting 
2 teeth filled, 2 teeth sealed, 
and 2 teeth pulled.  He will go 
back in December for 
the other two teeth.

These are the two that got
pulled on Monday.

Since they were so pointy
he thought he would try to 
act like a vampire.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Six Flags

We loaded up for a little weekend
get-a-way and headed to Dallas this
weekend.  We picked up Kade and
went straight to Six Flags.  The boys
were so ready to ride some rides.

Nana and Grandpa joined us
for day 2 at the park.

Kade was tall enough to ride
all the rides this time.  He rode
The Superman, The Batman, and 
Mr. Freeze this time.  KC finally has 
a riding buddy for all these grown up
roller coasters.  Now he doesn't have
to beg me to ride with him all the time.

 Sunday we took a break and the 
boys went swimming at the hotel.
Mostly they just relaxed in the hot
tub though.  They are crazy.  

Then we made one more 
stop before heading home. 

 We love to eat at The Rainforest. 
The boys love to watch all
the animals go crazy!

We had a great trip!

Our First Fire!

The temp finally got low enough
to make a fire in the fireplace.
We enjoyed our fire while we
watched the new X Men.
It was a great family night!