We headed to Dallas for the
Monster Supercross at
Cowboys Stadium last weekend.
We were all super excited.
I got out voted on where to
eat for our Valentine's Day dinner.
Hooters it was!
Good think I love their
Hot Shrimp and Pickles.
The day of the Supercross it
was sooo rainy. We still kept
going though. We wanted to
try to see all we could in the
pit party.
This was the only Monster Girl
braving the rain and KC didn't
get a focused picture. :(
We had our big umbrella,
but we were still getting so
wet. KC finally found some trash
bags and the boys wore those.
Cody wanted his picture by the
"Captain America" bike.
We were excited to get these
autographs because Trey Canard
is the one who actually won last
years race when we came.
KC told the boys that if they
could pick the top 3 finishes
out of the main race then he
would give them 100 bucks!
They thought long and hard
about who they were going
to pick.
All 4 of us had Chad Reed
finishing in the top 3. When
he got hurt in the main race, we
all were out on the 100 bucks. :(
The winner was
Ryan Villopoto!
{ That's who Cody and I
were going for! }