Saturday, June 22, 2013

Brent & Kristen's Wedding Day

What a beautiful day!
Rylee and Cody were ushers
in Brent and Kristen's wedding.
They were so nervous and so excited
all at the same time. 
Aren't they handsome!

It was a beautiful wedding.
Gorgeous Bride.
We all had a great time.

Friday, June 21, 2013

This and That


The boys have been loving doing
Random Acts Of Kindness.
Rylee put out flags for a local cemetery.
Cody loves to put extra change in
quarter machines for kids to find.

Oh - Johhny Jump Ups
are my absolute favorite!
I just love them.  My grandmother
used to have a big tub of them
on her back porch when I was little.
I've loved them ever since.

Dogs jump on trampolines - Right?
Cops loves it!

Penny loves staying with KC in the
camper.  She gets to play with Chupa
and they run and chase their little
loving hearts out.

These boys are nerds!
Complete Nerds!

I was worried about all my plants this year.
We got a late freeze and our trees didn't bloom
until late in the spring.  My plants were in direct
sunlight and weren't looking so good.
All is well now.  Full bloomed trees and
the most beautiful plants and flowers.

A little busy work.
They boys have been dying to get
their hands on some of these guitars.

Late night strong thunderstorm and power
outage had these two big brothers snuggling
up with each other.  How Sweet!

My skinny LOVES garage sales.

Puppy Snuggles

Lunch with these two weirdos had
me cracking up!  Oh My!
The poor guy in the booth behind us.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

We took the easy way for
Father's Day this year.
Dinner and gifts at Texas Roadhouse.
It was perfect.

And I am going to brag on my boys real quick...
The boys came in from playing out front
and told KC one of the neighbors down
the street had been toilet papered. Then they
asked if they could go and offer to help
clean up the yard. :) I was very excited that
they picked to do this Random Act Of Kindness
all by themselves! Then they came back
very excited with a $20 bill. Not wanting to bust
their bubble, I explained why it would have
been even better if they would have said no
thank you to the money. They understood.
A few hours later we went to eat lunch at
Texas Roadhouse and they met this guy
making balloon animals. He was working
for donations to help a local service in Amarillo
that helps children in need. KC mentioned the
$20 and all 3 boys were very excited to give this
guy the $20 they earned today! Not even a
second though about it! They are good boys
and they made my heart so happy today!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

San Antonio

Finally Rylee's turn for a trip!
He picked San Antonio.
So we headed down and picked up
our Kado on the way.
First stop was Fiesta Texas!
I think this means they had a good time.

We spent the next morning at
The Japanese Tea Gardens.

The flowers were so big and vibrant!
The most gorgeous I have ever seen.

That afternoon KC took the boys
to do all the Ripley's stuff.
They had mixed feelings about
all that stuff.  Only because he also
made them go through the extra scary
haunted house.  Ha Ha. Rylee didn't mind
it so much, but Kade was terrified.
They came back with the best stories.
We relaxed with some pizza and the basketball
finals after a very busy day.  It was perfect.