Rylee finally decided to get out
and spend some of his birthday money
this weekend. We went to the mall
and game stop and even toys r us.
He couldn't find anything he wanted
other than an Auntie Anne's Pretzel.
I don't know what his deal is.
Usually that money would be burning
a hole in his pocket.
I got distracted by all the pretty pink
stuff! Now that we have a little girl,
I can spend a lot more time in these isles!
I sure am glad she is my sisters little girl!
We would be dead broke if she was mine!
We found Penny's
Halloween costume today too.
She hated it.
Nothing stresses me out more
than Laundry and Cleaning Bathrooms.
In trying to manage my time better
I am giving a new cleaning routine
a try. Mondays are bathroom days.
We will see how it goes.
And just right when I was fixing to
clean the bathrooms my sister called...
And in less than an hour later I was
packed and headed to Midland to baby sit
the kiddos. Guess the bathrooms will have
to wait until next Monday! Darn!
Cotton Fields outside of Lubbock
remind me of a crazy fun road trip
I took with Christy in High School.
Good Times!
Aunt Kish couldn't show up
without some goodies!
I got early morning sunrise
pictures from my snookem.
And early morning snuggles
from this sweet girl!
Nothing is more sweeter
than sweet baby snuggles.
She picked out all the
marshmallows from her
Lucky Charms. Ha Ha!
I got to snuggle this boy
while Miss Bryn was napping.
While I was there I busted out some of
my favorite Disney classics.
Robin Hood. Cinderella. Peter Pan
He loved them!
We also baked some cupcakes.
I even let him crack the eggs.
He loved that!
I loved spending some alone
time with them!