Sunday, August 23, 2015

Last Few Days Of Summer

Spent this gorgeous morning
outside playing with the dogs.
And loving on each other.

Rylee had his Court of Honor
for scouts this month.
He got 7 merit badges that he
earned this summer!
Archery.Emergency Preparedness.
Pioneering.Wilderness Survival.
Traffic Safety.First Aide.Music.
We are soooo proud of him.

In the 50's!
At 10 A.M!
In August!
In Texas!
This is a miracle!
and I love it!
I sat out side and sipped
my tea and enjoyed
every minute of it!

Cody found another coke with
his name on it.  Took him all
summer.  He now says his
summer is complete.

We had meet the teacher night
for Ry and Cody.  Cody was so
sweet.  He wanted to meet all
of his teachers and see his desk
and learn how to open his locker.
Rylee just wanted to get his schedule
and get the heck out of there.
Pictures  were out of the question!

We kicked off our last
weekend of summer with
a water balloon fight.

And ended it with fireworks at
the river.  Can you guess
what my favorites are?

The weather was gorgeous!

Cody and I decided to make
a cake for the last day of summer.

Blueberry Lemon Poke Cake.
It's no Coconut Cake,
but it was pretty dang good.

Another cool and gorgeous day!
We spent it outside just
hanging out.

Our summer was busy and we
didn't get to do everything we
wanted to do.  We were going
in every direction the whole time.
But it was a good one!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Just Some Summer Fun

I guess this little guy will
sleep anywhere!

We went and saw the
Great Grandparents today.
My PawPaw celebrated his
80th birthday this week and
I made him his favorite cake.
We also took them a few goodies...
Flowers from our garden.
Our homemade peach jelly.
Fresh picked tomatoes.

We went school shopping!
Lots and Lots of school
I hate shopping!  Hate it!
BUT I love shopping for
school clothes and supplies!

KC came home with a taser him
and his guys made at work.
It took some convincing,
but KC got them to try it out.
It was hilarious!

The boys decided to play a
Challenge Game that they
made up.  Each one got to
pick one challenge that they
had to complete before they
moved on to the next ones
Kades was to wear each others
clothes.  Everyone did it
and completed it.
So Rylee's was up next...
His was you had to pick 5
ingredients from the kitchen
and make a smoothie for
the others to drink and they had
to guess what was in it.  If you
couldn't guess 3 things in 6
guesses then you had to drink
the whole thing.

This kid couldn't guess his
and sat staring at it for
30 minutes trying to get
the courage to drink it like
the rules said.  Yeah, he
wasn't going to drink it.
So that pretty much ended
their game.  Bummer.
They were really having
a lot of fun too.

I took Cody and Rylee with
some friends to the water park.

Kinda one last big summer

They had a great time!

Kade and KC went on a little
guy trip to Red River for
the weekend.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Garden Update ~ 15 weeks

I actually got up and snuck out to
enjoy my coffee in the peace
and quiet this morning before the
boys woke up!
This Never Happens!
We've been getting a ton of rain!
I mean a ton!!!
My plants and flowers love it.
I couldn't resist taking a few pictures.


My purple hibiscus
from last year is finally budding!



We have cantaloupe and watermelon!
I am sooo happy!

They are cute little perfect small
melons.  I can't wait to watch them grown!