Monday, October 31, 2016


Months before Halloween all
3 boys decided they were not going
to trick or treat and just pass out
candy.  Two days before Halloween
Cody and Kade decide they want
to trick or treat.  Costumes were
scarce and this was all we
could come up with.
Cody was a voodoo man

Ry stuck to passing out candy

Kade was a mad hatter

Not the best, but it worked!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Weekly Randomness

Home from the mountains and I went
straight to getting ready for Halloween!
I am in love with our Halloween mantel.

I'm also still trying to
finish up this quilt.
Getting a little bit closer.

It's been in the 80's around here this week.
Even the upper 80's!
When I saw this flashback post form 2011
I wished we were getting some snow.

My Granny came over for dinner
on Thursday.  She taught me how
to make her chicken and dumplings.
They have been my favorite part
of Thanksgiving and Christmas
dinner since I can remember.
She told me that her grandmother
made them every week for Sunday
dinner.  She had lots of stories.

Cody played in his playoff game.
They didn't win a game all season
and this one wasn't much different.
He had a lot of fun though.

We were all there to cheer him on.
We took a little break
Sunday to take the dogs to
run out at the river.
They love it so much!

This little girl was all over
the place.  She will chase that
ball no matter where it goes.


Getting more tomatoes still.
I think I might make a small
batch of hot sauce out of these.

This lazy girl loves her booter.

Another great sunset from
my Snookem.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Red River Just me and you

10 days in Red River in the camper
with my snookem!!!
No Kids!
No Dogs!
AND it's fall!
In Red River!

We did lots of riding!

lunch on the trail!


Put another of our marks
in Red River.

We eat pretty good in the camper!

Monday and Tuesday were extremely
windy.  We are from the Texas panhandle
and we are used to wind.  For Red River
the wind was insane!  We mostly just
hung out  in the camper being lazy those days.
On Wednesday when we got out to
ride a lot of the trails were covered in fallen
trees from all the wind.

My snookem doesn't let too much get
in his way of riding.  So He just winched up
the trees to the razor and I moved them.
Most of them we had to pull and break in
two because they were intertwined in other
trees.  It was kinda fun.

We finally got our own little piece
of Red River!!  Not the little cabin
of our dreams but it's one step closer!
We got a spot to leave our camper
year round.  It's right on the river
and I am just so excited!  No more
hauling it back and forth and we
can go more often because it is
less of a pain moving it!
So excited!!!
There's a deer - can you see her?

Our original tree is still
going strong.

The week off with just my snookem
riding and being lazy in the camper
was so perfect!  Such a great week!!!