Back from Midland and my
to-do list is ridiculous!
I think this is the busiest we
have ever been. I love it!
I have some ideas rolling
around in my head for my
studio/office space. BIG ideas.
LOTS of BIG ideas!
This guy! I just LOVE him!
I tell him about all my big
ideas and he figures out
how to make them work.
No Matter What!
He also goes in to work a
little late at takes the boys to school
when it's snowy
and icy just so I don't have
to drive in it.
Which I also LOVE him for.
I wish I could say that I
stayed in bed sipping coffee
and catching up on tv while
I snuggled the pups...
BUT I didn't.
The laundry was still pilled up
and I still had lots of signs
to paint - tag - package.
The snow sure doesn't keep
all that away!
A little break in the snow before
another new snow storm hits.
I picked the boys up wearing
jeans and tennis shoes WITH
my hair down today. Cody wanted
to know what exciting stuff
I did today because I looked so
fancy. HA! He was right!
I wouldn't say my day was exciting,
but I wasn't wearing my usual
black pants and house shoes
and hair in a pony tale.
We got out on our date ish night
and had a sushi double date night
with some good friends.
I love me some sushi!
I always take the little
pups with my every morning
when I take the boys to school.
This little girl kept setting
off the "Put your dang seatbelt on"
signal. I think maybe she needs
to go on a little diet.
More snow and cold
temps! I lucked out and
my snookem was off on
Friday! Which happened to
be another icy and snowy day
and it was packed full of errands
I HAD to run.
It was still snowing when we
took the boys. Ry wanted to take
a selfie with me but the snow
kept getting in our eyes.
Cody had a Character Breakfast
at school. He was voted most
Trustworthy! He is the one kid
we never have to worry about!
His grades are always straight A's
and he never gets in trouble at school
for anything! Big or small.
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