Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rain and Sprouts

Sending the boys off
for the last round of STAAR
testing today.  They are prepared
and completely ready.  We have
no worries here.

Lazy Bums!

I love this sign!
It hangs above my desk
as a good reminder.
Sometimes I am way too
hard on myself.

Already have some tomatoes
on one of my plants.
Some very tiny ones ~ but they are there!
It was well into the summer
last year when I started seeing
some blooms.

We have had a couple of
thunderstorms here lately.
I LOVE a good thunderstorm!
KC sent me this pic from his
job site.  It's not snow...
It's hail.

My flowers seeds have
mostly all sprouted.
Fingers are still crossed
that they grow into beautiful flowers.
I am still sticking to my
decision of not buying
any plants this summer.

Ok, well maybe I did
buy that hydrangea.
But it was so pretty!
How could I not!?!

We have lots of company in our
bird mansion.  There are baby sparrows
on the top floor and baby squirrels
on the middle floor.  The squirrels
coming and going drive the
dogs nuts!


We are so ready for summer
it's not even funny!
We are spending lots of
evenings outside.

Kade officially turned 14
this week.  There are no
words.  No words!
I can't believe the boys
are growing so fast.

The rain all day yesterday had
the dogs ready for some

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our Weekend

Another Crazy Busy Weekend!
Friday we spent ALL DAY
doing projects around the house.
ALL DAY!  We got started right
after we dropped the boys off at
school and didn't stop and head
to bed until WELL after 1 am.
It was a very long day!
Productive. But long.
I picked up this little arrangement
for a sweet little old couple down
the street.  He walks their dog twice
a day around our block like clock work.
He told us Friday that after 14 years
he got cancer and they had to put
him down.  His eyes were full of
tears when he was telling us.  It was
sooooo heartbreaking!  Hopefully this
brightened their day.

We got dirt!
Lots and Lots of dirt!

Time to fill these new container
gardens my snookem made for
me.  It took lots of wheelbarrow
fulls!  Luckily we have big strong boys.

Rylee helped me with the planting.

When Cody finished his part he got
straight to playing.  I big pickup full
of nice new fresh dirt it this boys
dream come true!

During the planting of my old box
I found a TON of buried Hot Wheel
cars and dirt bikes.  Wonder who
that could have been from?!?

12 tomato plants
8 pepper plants
radish and cabbage seeds
and lots of flowers from seed
Fingers are crossed now!
Crossed that we don't get a late
freeze.  Crossed that this magical
dirt really is good dirt.  Crossed that
we picked good plants and not duds.
Crossed that all of our seeds will
sprout and grow big and strong.
Take your pick ~ lots of things to
cross your fingers about!

More boys playing in the dirt.

Saturday we celebrated Kade's 14th
Birthday!  14!!!  I can not believe that!
We kept it simple and just had hotdogs
with the family at home.

He requested coconut cake.
It's his favorite.
(even though we just had it for Easter)

We like weenie dog girls around here.
At his moms house he has a little
chihuahua though.  I always give him
a hard time about weenie girls being
better than chihuahuas.

I think he had a pretty great day!
After a crazy busy weekend we made
Sunday a movie day.  It was just what we needed!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Random Bits

What a busy crazy week!
Ry had his Scout ceremonies
to step up in his rank.

KC had a day off
so we spend the morning
at the river.  He has been
really stressing over work,
so it was much needed.

We loaded up and headed
back into town just in time
to pick up Cody.  KC
unloaded the razor and
drove it though the pick up
line to pick him up.
Cody LOVED it!

Spring is here!
Flowers are a bloomin'.
This vine is one of my
most favorite things about
this house.  I love when
all the leaves fill in and
it gets all crazy.

My seeds started sprouting
in just 4 days!  Yay!
I hope they keep it up.

Cody got his own dirt
bike box.  Now maybe
he will stay out of my
garden boxes!

Rylee and I chased down
this amazing sunrise the
other morning.  It was gorgeous!

Got pics of these cuties.
I miss them soooo much!

Spent a chilly morning
outside sipping coffee
while Ry made us a fire.

Boys laughing on the trampoline
and my Snookem grilling us
some yummy chicken.
We are so ready for summer!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

Saturday night we
hung out with the besties.
It was much needed.
KC and AJ worked on
building new garden
planters while
Chelsey and I enjoyed
some mango margaritas.
Sounds fair ~ Right?
We grilled steaks
and caught up on lots
of chit chat by a nice
fire and a full moon.
It was a great night!
The Easter Bunny came
bright and early Sunday morning.

Motorcycle Riders. Fishing Stuff.
Clothes. Lots of Goodies.

Ry finally got to give
Granny her birthday watch.
I love how excited she gets
when she opens it and sees it.
She laughs hysterically every
The story is...
She took the boys to eat
at Chick Fil A one day after
school.  Rylee joked around
about not getting a cow watch
that came in the kids meal
because Granny ordered
him a grown up meal.
Well for his birthday next birthday
 he opened her gift and
it was one of those cow watches.
6 months later and totally
on his own, Ry wrapped
the cow watch and gave it
back to Granny for her birthday.
He said he decided to give
it to her because she
laughed so hard giving it to
him.  He thought that it
would make her smile.
And Boy Did It!
I have never seen her laugh
so hard!  She Loved It!!!
And they now give it
back and forth to each
other on each birthday.
Still it's just as funny
as the first time.

Egg coloring
and rainbows!

Cody's favorite Easter Tradition?
Rubbing a boiled egg on
his "mustache".
He's crazy!


Hidden eggs in
pretty flowery trees!

We did things a little
different this time.
Colored eggs but hunted
plastic eggs.  All the eggs
were numbered and we
had prize eggs...
Gold Egg - $10
Silver Egg - $5
2 Trick or Treat Eggs
You don't know until
the end if you got a
trick or a treat.

Counting the loot...
Kade ended up with 66 egg
points and BOTH
trick or treat eggs.
Rylee had 69 egg points
Cody had 60 egg points
and BOTH the silver and gold
Kades ended up getting to
pick an egg from each
of his brothers baskets.
That's what the trick or treat
eggs said.  He picked the
silver one from Cody.
And Ry got $5 for the
most egg points.
So it actually worked
out pretty good.

My snookem stopped and
picked me some Lilacs
on the way home.
They are my 2nd favorite
flower and they smell
soooo good!