Another Crazy Busy Weekend!
Friday we spent ALL DAY
doing projects around the house.
ALL DAY! We got started right
after we dropped the boys off at
school and didn't stop and head
to bed until WELL after 1 am.
It was a very long day!
Productive. But long.
I picked up this little arrangement
for a sweet little old couple down
the street. He walks their dog twice
a day around our block like clock work.
He told us Friday that after 14 years
he got cancer and they had to put
him down. His eyes were full of
tears when he was telling us. It was
sooooo heartbreaking! Hopefully this
brightened their day.
We got dirt!
Lots and Lots of dirt!
Time to fill these new container
gardens my snookem made for
me. It took lots of wheelbarrow
fulls! Luckily we have big strong boys.
Rylee helped me with the planting.
When Cody finished his part he got
straight to playing. I big pickup full
of nice new fresh dirt it this boys
dream come true!
During the planting of my old box
I found a TON of buried Hot Wheel
cars and dirt bikes. Wonder who
that could have been from?!?
12 tomato plants
8 pepper plants
radish and cabbage seeds
and lots of flowers from seed
Fingers are crossed now!
Crossed that we don't get a late
freeze. Crossed that this magical
dirt really is good dirt. Crossed that
we picked good plants and not duds.
Crossed that all of our seeds will
sprout and grow big and strong.
Take your pick ~ lots of things to
cross your fingers about!
More boys playing in the dirt.
Saturday we celebrated Kade's 14th
Birthday! 14!!! I can not believe that!
We kept it simple and just had hotdogs
with the family at home.
He requested coconut cake.
It's his favorite.
(even though we just had it for Easter)
We like weenie dog girls around here.
At his moms house he has a little
chihuahua though. I always give him
a hard time about weenie girls being
better than chihuahuas.
I think he had a pretty great day!
After a crazy busy weekend we made
Sunday a movie day. It was just what we needed!
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