the last part of our trip is going
to round out this whole post!
In basically one night.
One terrifying horrific I almost
died multiple times post!
It was our last Friday night...
KC was trying to hurry and get dinner
done and off the grill because I really
wanted to go for an evening ride.
It was chilly and cloudy and I just wanted
to get out of the camper for a while.
No Boys! We start heading up our
favorite trail and realize if we hurry
we can watch the sunset from up top
of Greenie Peek. And I mean we hurried!
We turn one corner and come to face
2 GIGANTIC elk right on our trail.
They take one look at us and haul butt
up in the trees before I could get my camera.
They got us talking about how if those
two huge things are just hanging out
here think of what else is out there hiding.
And on we went racing to the top.
The sunset was gorgeous!
We watched it for a bit and then decided
to head back down before it got too dark.
We get MAYBE 50 feet down from the
top of the mountain and we hear a belt
brake on the razor. Happened before and
KC has a spare and knows how to fix it.
I start to panic a bit because I know it could
take an hour to change this belt
on this mountain trail! in the middle of the forest!
with the sunset sinking fast!
And I'm thinking of our earlier conversation
about all the hiding creatures!
It gave KC a bit of a struggle and
I was no help because I WAS NOT
letting go of the gun. It was dark by the
time he really got it going his way.
And out there dark is DARK! Pitch black!
Can't see your hand in front of your face!
Even when we were back in the razor
heading down the trail I knew I was
not going to be happy until I was back
in my Tahoe heading to our camper.
I prayed constantly from the time
I heard that belt pop and all along the trail.
I knew if we got to a certain point on
the trail we could coast the rest of the
way if all else fails. We have done it
plenty just for fun before. We got to
the coasting point and I started feeling
a little better. Still just wanting to
get home. We made it to almost the end
of the trail that meets up with the
road when we hear a really bad rattle
from the back left tire. KC says a
few choice words and I know it's
not good. He gets out and looks at it
and we broke 3 of the 4 lug nuts on
YOUR WHEEL! My panic sets in yet
again because even though we've
made it to the road, we are still
about 3 miles from the Tahoe and
civilization! So I try to calmly ask
KC what now ~ knowing full well he's
going to say... we have to walk the rest
of the way. Still on the mountain and
still in the pitch black!
So I take off!
I will run down the whole rest of
the way if it gets me there fast.
Then I see headlights and I
am waving my flashlight like crazy so they
will stop. They do and Thank God agree
to give us a ride to the Tahoe.
Well about half way there KC realizes he
left the Tahoe keys in the razor!
Probably because as soon as he said we
had to walk I took off and wasn't about
to wait around in the darkness for
little things like keys! The pickup guys
friend was following behind us in
his razor. Instead of the truck turning
around we decided it would be easier
just to get in the razor and go back.
So we did. We got about half way there
and I made the stupid idiot pull over!
I would much rather stand on the side
of the pitch black road all alone with
no gun in the middle of the forest
and risk getting eaten by bears and
cougars then ride with him!
I LOVE sketchy riding but he was just
down right insane! It seemed like forever
since KC came back to get me in the
Tahoe. We headed back to our razor and
winched it up on the trailer.
I have NEVER been so happy to be
heading back to the camper after riding!
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