Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Landree's First Birthday!

Our sweet nephew turned one
last weekend.  We headed to 
Midland to help him CELEBRATE!

Tab & Jason did a great job on
their first birthday party.  We had a 
cook out and played outside.  The 
weather was so beautiful!

KC and I made Landree this wagon.
We painted it blue and KC put on the
rails.  I made the padding for the rails.
Since it was coming from the Cherne
Family, I thought it would only be right
that it was super hero material.

This wagon is super special because 
it was Tab's and my wagon when we
were little.  My boys also got pulled
around in it.  Only it looked a little different.

Happy First Birthday Landree!
We love you sooo much!
You are very special to us!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rylee's 6th Loose Tooth

We must be in the tooth
business this month.  Cody 
also has a loose tooth that
will be ready any day.

We were eating pizza the 
other night and he bit down
on it.  It hurt so much that
he started crying and didn't
finish his dinner.  I had no
idea that it was even loose.
He told me that it had been 
loose for a long time and he
didn't want to tell me because
he knew I would pull it out.

I laughed and when we got 
home that night we pulled it
out.  Now, I wish it was just
that simple.  With Rylee it is 
never that simple.  We had to 
hold his hands, find his stuffed
animal, get him a cup of water,
and after 45 minutes worth of 
negotiations we eventually just 
had to hold him down and pull 
the thing out.  Maybe that is
why he doesn't want me to 
know he has a loose tooth. 

He forgot all about the drama
when he got his 5 bucks the 
next morning!

The 50 cc Tooth Pull

So let me just explain a bit...
KC is in the process of getting some
dental work done.  He has to pull out 4 
teeth and get a bridge.  This process is
going to cost us about 8,000.00.  The one 
tooth was already really really loose.
So instead of paying the dentist 500.00
just to pull it right out, he decided to get
a little creative.  The video explains the rest.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bye Bye Kado

Another weekend with our Kado has
come and gone.   :(

When I got up this morning I found all 
these sleepy heads snuggling up 
together on the couch.

Dad tried to make him smile.
He always gets sad when
it is time to go.

Cody begged and begged me 
to buy him a ticket so he could
go too.

Bye Kado!  We love you and will
miss you!  See you in April!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kade's New Bike

We got Kade a new bike for 
his birthday.  He got to take it 
out for a ride today.

Now all 3 boys have new good bikes!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday Kado!

We surprised Kade with a birthday party
for him today.  He had NO idea!

And what birthday would be complete
without birthday spankings?

Happy Birthday Kado!!!

Cherne Boys

Rylee has been begging for us
to take him to eat at Arnold's Burger.
Since they are closed on the weekend
it is hard for him to go because he
has school.  So spring break was
the perfect time to take him.

When we were leaving the boys 
asked if we could stop at the 
graffiti wall to take some pictures.
I thought they took some really
good ones.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!

We got our Kado today!!!

We also enjoyed the beautiful 88 degree 
weather we are having today.  The boys
picked some seeds out at wally world.  We
will see if they grow or not.

Happy St. Patricks Day!

St. Patricks Day Shirts

Yesterday the boys Tye Dyed their
green shirts for St. Particks Day!

The boys kept saying it looked
like a witch brew.

 Bet you can't wait to see what they look like!