Monday, August 25, 2014

Back To School

Back To School!
4th and 6th Grade
here we come...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What?!? Last week of Summer!

Morning selfies were a must!
Especially during the last week of summer. 

Spent some alone time with Cody!
Bdubs and grocery shopping. 
Which do you think was his favorite?

We also got some alone time with
This sweet girl.  She loved on us and loved on us!  There were lots of kisses shared. 

How could you not love that smile!?!

The boys mowed grandpas yard for him this week.  They told me if he tried to pay them they would stick the money back in his underwear drawer.  HaHa!  They make me so proud!  

This pretty girl would stay in bed all day if you let her.  

Meet the teacher night!
I HATE that school is starting. 
We have had a GREAT summer!
I know the boys are getting older and I hate it!

I think weena knows we are fixing to leave and she isn't going this time. 
She's been extra bratty. 

It's almost football time!!
This will be James last year to play for OSU.  Really excited for it, but sad it's our last year to watch him.  

My boys!
They open my door for me ~ escort me in any time we are going in a store ~ bring me coffee in bed ~ AND pick pretty flowers for me and put them in my hair!
I am one lucky mom!

This last picture sums up almost our whole summer!
We spent lots of afternoons snuggled up all in my bed watching movies.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Where did our summer go??

We are in single digits for our
Jamaica Trip!
In 8 days we will be heading
to spend 7 glorious days at
this place!

We are beyond ready and way
beyond excited!
Everything is Jamaica...
Even my coffee.  :)

Cousins came to play for
a couple of days this week.
The boys loved every minute
of it.  I even got to hold
sweet sweet Brynlee!
Without. Her. Crying. 
She really loves me now!
We spent lots of time together.

We picked our first
cucumber and are
still getting bowls full
of tomatoes every day.
I love it!  I'm going to miss
gardening when the fall comes.

Carrots are tricky!
How do you know when they
are ready to be picked?
How do you know if there
is even anything growing under
those beautiful green tops?
Rylee just couldn't wait any longer
he had to peek at just one.
And look!!...
They are growing!!

We have had lots of little grasshopper
visitors these last few days.

One of the things I kept reading
before starting our garden
was that tomatoes love
to be planted with marigolds.
So I planted marigolds from seed
in every corner of our garden.
Look how they have grown!
They are out growing my
tomato plants.
I think next year I might
plant most of my flowers from
seed.  They seem to grow
better and are WAY cheaper.
KC will like that part.

Every morning Rylee
comes and snuggles in bed
with me.  Every Morning!
We always try to sneak
in a selfie before the dogs
attack us.  Do you see me in
there?  I'm there just under all
the dogs.  Sometimes it doesn't
work so well.

KC saw this rainbow cloud at
work.  Strangely enough we saw
one when we were headed to his
moms funeral and then this one
exactly one week to the day later.

Cody found him a Coke with
his name on it!
He's been looking all summer.

Where in the heck has summer gone?
I tell you what...
I'm not ready for school to start!
At All!!!
We have enjoyed our lazy
summer days!

I have loved the past few
evening rain storms.
I love the rain!

And we have this boy!
He had friends over and ended
up staying up until 5:30 in
the morning.  One last end of
summer hoorah!  He did not want
to get up for his early morning
haircut.  Penny was just there
for moral support. She's lazy like that.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Crazy Week

We have blooms on our
okra plants!
And little okra nubs that
you can actually
see now!

Our cucumbers are looking
really good.

We have maybe 6 that
are growing right now.

KC's mom passed away
this week.  While we didn't
have the best relationship with
her these last few years, it is
his mom and I knew
it would be rough on him.

We were very blessed to have
good friends Old and New
to help make things a little easier.

Some of KC's time off gave
us a chance to have a special
afternoon with this handsome boy.
AND we did
School Shopping!
I HATE shopping!
And to top it off I picked tax
free weekend to do it.
I had to take a picture of Cody
saying these jeans were good.
I know on the first day he will
throw a fit and complain about
wearing them.  He would
wear shorts all day everyday
if I would let him.
I needed proof!

My little Ry picked out all
of his own stuff this year!
He knew exactly what he wanted.
If it wasn't black or blue
and striped - he wasn't interested.
He also picked these shoes.
KC was so proud of him for
picking the Vans.

We did mark every single
thing off of our list in
just under 5 hours.
Not too bad I guess.
I'm just glad to be done!

We also bought Kade's school
clothes.  He is kinda sorta getting
a sense of style.  Anything his dad
likes - he likes.  So he asked us
to buy them.  I asked Cody to
hold them up so I could send
Kade pics of what we got.
His faces made me laugh!