Friday, August 18, 2017

Our Week

Meet the teacher night!

Rylee is super bummed that he may have
to start school with a cast.
Doc says it’s just not healing as fast as it should be.

Opossum in the pool! Yuck!!

First day of school!
Cody I’d in 7th grade and Rylee is starting high school.

I’ve started some pumpkins in my garden.
The leaves are super huge already!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Our week

Framing all the signs!
KC's least favorite part

I think I'm keeping this one!

Also framed up a few
old favorites.

These two have been
fighting like crazy!!
We figured the most logical thing
to do is to make them share a
room until they can get along.
We will see how long this takes!

It has been raining almost
every single day!  I love it!

Cody thinks he knows
how to play the guitar.
He doesn't.

Pre season football is starting.
This to me means FALL is
right around the corner!

KC played in his first
work softball tournament.
The team lost but KC actually
did really good!  And he had
a really great time.


A big storm blew through Pampa
and got KC lots of Sunday overtime.
The pictures of the damage were crazy.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

It's Shark Week

It's Shark Week!
one of our favorite
parts about summer!

We've also been pulling some
late nighters binge watching
The Walking Dead
Cody loves it!

On the job photos
from my Snookem!

I've been slowly getting back
to work on Butterfly stuff.
The break was nice
but I really missed it.

Rylee had another x-ray check up
this week.  He was scared to tell
doc that he broke a chop stick
off in there from scratching.   Ha Ha

The doc didn't want it putting any
pressure on his bones.  The only
option was a new cast even
though he wasn't quite ready.

Rylee told me if I told the doc about
the chop sticks I could pick the color
of the new cast.  Purple it is!

Hungry Hungry Romeo

Cody just needed an 8 mile
bike ride to mark off the last
thing for his biking merit badge
from camp.  He and KC headed
out one morning to get it done.

The butterflies are crazy in
my garden right now.
All different colors.
I love watching them.

Cody bought me a surprise
from Dollar Tree the other day...

Beach Boy Trading Cards!
He was so excited to give them
to me.  And a shark Dp
for shark week.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Week with Ry

These two are off for a week of 
Summer Scout Camp.
Because Rylee broke his arm
he will have to stay home this time.
It will just be me and Ry all
week long.
We spent some time with Granny.
Her and Rylee are saving all of
their pennies to by them a
ranch with a big house and
lots of land for horses.
They've already saved several
hundred dollars for it.

Movie marathons and puppy
snuggles while dads gone.

We went to see the new
Despicable Me movie.
I love those movies!
It was so good!

We got the word at this
weeks Dr visit that
Ry will not have to have surgery!
The Dr was worried that the bones
would move and Rylee would need
plates and pins put in his arm.
He finally told us that was not
a possibility anymore.  It was good
newsto hear.  Rylee was so relieved.

more puppy snuggles
while we watch our
Harry Potter marathon.

I was on turtle duty
while Cody was gone.

more movie time while I
make this years cards
for my handsome
Boy Scouts that I miss
so much!

It's tradition!
I had a great week with
this kid.  We watched a ton
of movies and ate great food
and was just lazy all week long.
Which is all of Rylee's
favorite things.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer Fun

Cody played and played and played
Over and Over and Over
So we told him we wanted one of
the bbq foot massages that he is always
talking about.  Yeah, he wasn't that
excited about it.  BUT I haven't
heard him sing the jingle not one
time since then.

Summer Time - Coffee
My Flowers - My Pups
It's Pretty Perfect!


Family movie night to see
the new SpiderMan

Summer time shenanigans
with friends.

We finally got Rylee in to see
the Dr.  His poor arm was limp
and so skinny.  It was kinda funny.

The Dr. did not take it
easy putting on his new cast.
He will be in this full cast for
a few weeks and then
hopefully move to a half cast.

My tomatoes are a joke
again this year.  Bummer!
My dads however are insane.
They are viney and FULL of
tomatoes.  Full!!

Summer time
rainbow toes!