Friday, December 31, 2021

December Photo Dump

I wish it was normal to leave your tree
up year-round.  I love how the lights look at night.

Kade Reality and Silas

The boys surprised me with Santa photos
because I was talking about how sad
I was that they are too big for that kind of stuff.

I cried.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas

Cherne Christmas Eve!

Games. Food.
Puppies. Family.

We still start Christmas morning out by me waking
up the boys and them getting in bed with
KC while I get everything ready.
We've done it this way since they were born.

Aiden joined us Christmas morning
for opening presents.

Tab and Jason and the kiddos came down
for Christmas.  We took lots of pictures for Maw-Maws frame.