Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall In Red River

We headed to Red River
for I guess what is now our
annual fall trip.  One last
chance to ride before the
weather turns cold and snowy.
One last chance to enjoy
the beautiful fall leaves.
Rylee and Kade had a
scout camp all weekend
and we just decided at the
last minute to head out!
The dogs needed new sweaters
so we made a quick stop
on the way out of town.
Marley wasn't impressed
with the Yoda headband.
We got about almost there
and had a bit of unexpected
drama with Kade back home.
He hurt his arm in gym
and the nurse thought he
needed to see a doctor.
We were trying to get that
all handled so we pulled
over to let the dogs run at
the park.  KC couldn't
resist a little playing around.

We skipped lunch
so when we pulled into
town we were ready to eat.
There was nothing
open except the local bar.
Cheese fries and bar food
it was!  We were also waiting
for some friends who were
about an hour and a half behind
us.  To pass time KC taught
Cody how to play pool.

It took him a while,
but he started to get the hang
of it.  I think they played 8 games!

The next day we were
refreshed and ready to ride.

I am not sure if Heidi will
be a mountain dog or not.
She tried though.



Rope swinging!
We had to show Brent
and Kristin how it was done.

Cody carved his own name
in a tree right by our swing.

The trails were beautiful
as always!




Our last day we couldn't
resist an early morning ride
before we headed home.
It was so cold.
BUT so nice. I love riding
in the chilly mountain air.


Until next time...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ry's Birthday with his Friends

Ry had his friends over for his
birthday sleepover.  They have been
looking forward to it for months.
when Rylee's birthday comes
around because they say our
sleepovers are epic.

My favorite part of Rylee's
friend party??
KC is in charge of the whole thing!
I do the family party and he does
the friend party!

Ry wanted to start out with making
caramel apples instead of having
cake and ice cream.

They had lots of goodies to choose from.

They turned out so delicious!

And then things got a little crazy.
Hide and seek outside in the dark
in crazy outfits.

Zombie Nerf War...
Everyone's favorite!

It gets even crazier and they
could play for hours.

And here's what I did all night.
Away from the crazies.
Just how I like it!

The boys stayed up
Not one week of sleep!
I figured the best thing to do
was fill them up with surgery
yumminess before I sent them home.

and right after that they were
all out in the car before we even
made it to the first kids house.
I would say that it was a good party!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Homecoming and Heidi

I thought it would come
and go just like every
other homecoming.
 I was wrong!
Rylee got asked by his
friend this year.  He assured
me that she only asked as
friends.  Either way,
my first baby boy to get
asked to homecoming!
I was so sad.  SO SO Sad!
But I was really excited
to make my first mum!

KC and Ry walked up to
her door to pick her up
and meet her parents.
Rylee was soooo nervous!

and then there was having
to pin the mum on her.
Rylee really didn't know
what he was doing.
Maybe we should have
practiced that part.

We all stayed for the game
and let Ry go off with his friends.

KC tells me this is only
the beginning.
I'm not ready for all this!
In other news...
Our Heidi girl is fitting
right in around here.

She loves to be outside.
Like she sits outside all
day just enjoying the sunshine.
Until she sees the squirrels.
She wants the squirrel.

She is GREAT on a leash!
I think we picked a pretty
great one with her!
We all already love her
so so much!