Tuesday, May 26, 2015


We could spend all of our time
on the porch!
Garden is ready for
tomato cages!

KC performed an arching demo
for the last scout meeting.

He helped most of the boys
earn their Electricity merit badge.
They loved it.  A group of boys
watching things burn and catch on
fire.  Of course they loved it!

I love this poem!
Love Love Love
I knew I had to make a sign
of it for our house.


Oh these cute cuties!
I miss them so much
I think a trip to Austin needs
to be made sooner rather
than later!

She loves all the
Minnie Mouses!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Part 2 - Memorial Day Weekend

Some weekend riding
at Lake Mackenzie.
Sunday was finally a day
filled with warm weather
and sunshine!

Kade and Ry didn't want to
come this time so Cody brought
a friend.


It was a little muddy.
Just a little.
We had to pull the wench
out more than once.

Once we got going up top it
was good riding.


We finally found the little
watering hole waterfall Brent was
dying to jump into.  The boys loved
it!  A little cold but very refreshing.
It was about a ten foot jump and
then the water was about seven
feet deep.  I don't know how many
times they jumped.  It could have
lasted hours!

Cody did great.
I was so nervous for him.

Such a beautiful day.

Rylee snuck around the block and
stole ~ I mean picked a different
flower from all the gardens around
here.  I couldn't believe he did that.
 I secretly loved it!

I spy a Ladybug!

Putting up the pool!
Hard work = devastation
for Rylee!

I thought I was going to get
away with sitting back and sipping
my water.  That didn't last long though.

I can't wait for all the warm
summer days and cookouts
and hanging out!
We are so ready for summer!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Part 1 - Memorial Day Weekend

Oh this little girl!
she turned 2
Isn't she so precious!


Rain and Cool Temps.
Love it ~ Enjoy it ~ Repeat
Lots and Lots and Lots
of rain!  I think my plants
need a little break though.


The baby birds were going crazy
this morning.  I think Monst wanted
to eat them.

Boy Scout patrol meeting at the
rock climbing place.

Oh the boys loved it.

Dinner and game night with
friends.  And KC had to take
a picture with the big statue.
Because why not!?!

More rain all day Saturday!
We made snacks and
played games out on the
back patio with a fire.

And Marley snuggled with the
extension cord.  I don't know why!

The smoke bothered Rylee's eyes.
I think he just wanted to wear
the goggles.

Garden Update

Look how much it has grown.
5 weeks ago you couldn't even
see them sticking out of the boxes.
I love it!

3 plants have tiny tomatoes
on them!

The radishes are growing in big
and leafy green.

I got this little green tomatia plant on
the "had better days" clearance rack. 
I actually got 2 and didn't think
neither one would make it.
This one is looking good though!

I am down to my last jarred
sliced jalapenos that I canned last
summer ~ so these little guys can't
come soon enough. 

Lettuce Sprouts!

and my green onions
are coming up!

We planted lots of carrots.
Lots and Lots of carrots!