Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Pics

This boy is so handsome!
I think I love him a lot.
An EARLY unexpected visit from
Kade called for drinks from the Coffee Shop.
And this is why I can't plant my flowers!
Crazy panhandle weather!
Rylee passed the freakin STAAR test!
I couldn't resist.
I had to plant just one planter.
They will probably freeze,
but I just couldn't help myself.

Penny loves Cody the most.
And this one is a bed hog!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Happy Easter!
The Easter bunny has been working
a lot of hours the past couple of months.
I think maybe he went over board on baskets
this year to make up for it.

There were no complaints though!
The scooters are awesome!
The boys zoom around on them
like nobodies business.
KC and I are counting down for a trip to
Jamaica in August.  We can not wait!
I saw this little Easter egg and it seemed fitting.

These little babies make my day!
I love getting pictures from them.

Confetti eggs are always a favorite.
Granny tried to sneakily get Ry,
but he had and egg waiting for her too.

Even the dogs got into the egg hunting.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kermit, TX Dunes

KC couldn't wait to take the boys to ride
at some dunes close to where he has been working.
It's way different than mountain riding or
even riding at the river.  Not my favorite, but
the boys had a blast!

Saturday, April 5, 2014