Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Halloween

Rylee and his friends went to
their first Halloween haunted
houses this year.


I was worried, but KC said they all
did really great.  There was even an
Insane Asylum one that figured out
Rylee's name so they called him and
said it throughout the whole thing.
He said it was so creepy.

Cody got a new Halloween shirt!
It was Abe Kruger and I couldn't resist.
I knew he would love it!


It's a very delicate process to
pick out just the right pumpkin.


and carving is very serious
business around here.


Ry had the great idea to have
his pumpkin eating a baby pumpkin.
It turned out so good!

Aren't they cute!

We roasted our pumpkin seeds
this year for the first time.

and then it was time for zombies

Kade kept messing with his scars
so they weren't sticking very good
by picture time.  :(
but he still looks creepy

and we also had a vampirate
Don't they look so good!?!


Cody is such a ham!
I love him!

My boys are growing up.
Very sad sad sad for this mom!
Halloween is always so crazy for us.
We get ready and head to all the
grandparents houses in a quick hurry
to make it back so we can Trick or Treat
at dark.  It's rush rush rush and takes
a lot time.  But I know it's important
to do so we do it every year.
For the last few years I have dreamed
of the year I get to just stay home
and pass out candy while the boys
go and do their own thing.
I missed last Halloween because
I was with my sister at dr appointments
in Arizona.  And then this year Rylee
decides to ditch me and go Trick or Treating
with his friends.  I was devastated!
My first baby to leave me on a major
holiday event.  Not doing it as
a family this year just wasn't the same.
I know this is only the beginning of
lots of change as all the boys
are getting older.
I hate it!

Sorting the candy.
We kinda got to a late
start this year, so the bounty
wasn't as great.

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